One of Indias top NGOs for government projects and CSR projects, AROH Foundation is a national level organization focused on empowering underprivileged communities through sustainable development. We are a preferred NGO impact partner for several government welfare programmes (PSUs) and corporate social responsibility initiatives.
Know MoreAROH is implementing pioneering programmes to provide educational facilities to underserved populations in both rural and urban areas.
AROH focuses on skills development of youth and women leading to job or self-employment, thereby alleviating poverty and unemployment.
AROH is trying to help thousands of farmers with various crop management practices, including organic farming in order to bring them out of the cycle of poverty.
AROH is taking necessary steps to help the rural communities restore, improve and manage their natural resources and work towards a sustainable ecosystem.
Access to water, health and sanitation facilities are fundamental to human existence. AROH is providing need based facilities and infrastructure to improve access to these needs of communities.
Our villages are suffering from inadequate power supply and lack of basic facilities and so AROH provides cost effective solar powered lights and water pumps to improve the lives of people.
Children achieve better learning outcomes
Women Empowered to get sustainable income
Hectare land under better crop management practices
Farmers gain better income through farm-based initiatives
Youth trained and placed in jobs
Rural Enterprises established
SHGs working for self-reliance
Project is designed to address the issue of environmental degradation, particularly of the water bodies & Green Cover in the villages of Zewar Block. AROH Foundation collaborated with HCL Foundation’s HCL Uday’s drive under “Harit†to revive 14 village ponds under #JanShakti4JalShakti, to make it water and food secure in the villages.
Read MoreDespite reforming strides in education with the introduction to RTE, Mid-day meal, etc., our nation still struggles to provide quality education which results in poor learning outcomes for a large percentage of children. RISE is for Remedial Innovation in School Education and aims to provide scholastic and non scholastic assistance to government school children to ensure their holistic development in facing future competition.
Read MoreHolistic Rural Development Project is a project that connotes overall development of target rural areas to improve the quality of life of people by improving agricultural and infrastructural facilities, raising the living standards of rural hinterland through infrastructural investment and human development & Building local enterprise -Towards faster economic growth and poverty alleviation in 54 villages of Chhattisgarh, Meghalaya & U.P
Read MoreSwachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan is a comprehensive programme to support children's right to clean and healthy surroundings, toilets and safe drinking water along with desired behavioral change to improve the status of health and hygiene of children in government school. The project also envisages contributing to the National Mission of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan and contributes towards crucial SDGs.
Read MoreThe Centre for Financial Literacy (CFL) Project being implemented by AROH Foundation in collaboration with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and funded under Financial Inclusion Fund (FIF) by NABARD and sponsored banks, is an initiative aimed at promoting financial awareness and education among individuals and communities across India.
Read MoreGarima is an intervention targeted specifically towards empowering the underprivileged women and girls through training in vocational trades and other skills and giving them equal opportunities to pick up and learn a new skill, supplemented further by counseling and guidance to help them reach a level of self-resilience and become a contributor of economy.
Read MoreTo curb the national crisis of unemployment and deficit of skilled youth, AROH partners with Government of India's flagship skill development programme, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Grameen Kaushal Yojna to provide market driven skill training, under the guidance of experts of the trade, in state of the art training facilities and job placements to 1800 rural unemployed youth in leading national and international firms.
Read MoreProject Sampoorna, in alignment to national campaign of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, aims to facilitate basic necessities of Water, Light and Sanitation though installation of Solar pumps, IHHL and Solar Lights in 175 villages in five states i.e., Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Uttar Pradesh of India and along also ensures behavioural changes towards sustainable usage of resources.
Read MoreWomen Entrepreneurship Support Program, a dedicated initiative aimed at nurturing the dreams of aspiring female entrepreneurs. We believe in empowering women to become successful leaders in the world of business. Through our comprehensive program we offer structured entrepreneurial training, mentorship and access to funding opportunities to help women turn their business ideas into reality. We understand the unique challenges faced by women in the business world, and our program is designed to address these challenges head-on. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, we aim to cultivate a new generation of female leaders who are confident, capable, and ready to make a difference.
Read MoreSmiles like this truly affirm our belief in the power of hard work and meaningful support. Meet Satyanarayan Kedarlal, a dedicated resident of Khajoorna Kalan, who embarked on his floriculture journey with Marigold flower seeds provided by AROH Foundation back in June 2023. Driven by his determination and the support he received, Satyanarayan not only cultivated the flowers but also took a significant step by purchasing the seeds himself this year. The result? A flourishing harvest of Marigold flowers that he sold for a whopping Rs. 34,000!
Smiles like this truly affirm our belief in the power of hard work and meaningful support. Meet Rukmani, a resilient farmer from the serene village of Khajurna Kalan, whose life underwent a transformative change through the collaborative efforts of Project LICHFL and HRIDAY, facilitated by AROH Foundation. Rukmani embarked on a journey to sustainable agriculture with the Promotion of Crop Rotation/Diversification (PEAS) initiative. Recognizing the significance of crop rotation, she embraced the cultivation of diverse crops like Maize and Peas. This method not only prevents soil exhaustion but also effectively controls weeds, pests, and diseases, ensuring a healthier yield.
Smiles like this really affirm our belief in good work, and it's even more meaningful when the results are so impactful. Meet Mr. Vishwanath Ji, a true visionary in agriculture, whose remarkable efforts are not only transforming farming practices but also shaping a sustainable future for generations to come. Mr. Vishwanath Ji has been instrumental in implementing innovative drip irrigation technology. This initiative aims to bolster farmer livelihoods, enhance crop yields, and contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goal #2: End hunger, achieve food security, and promote sustainable agriculture.
AROH Foundation revives, restores and rejuvenates more than 50 dead ponds in Chhattisgarh and UP, improving water holding capacity by more than 5 lakh cu.m providing much needed relief to water-starved people, cattle and land
Fruits of hardwork
Smiles like this really affirms our belief of good work, and it's even more meaningful when results are so impactful. Kamalabai was very happy to report that she could produce & sell 2 quintals of onions in her small space of land through the intercropping process
Inculcating the lifestyle that values the healthy co existence of humans and environment. Raju never fails to water his plant friend in the nearby park every day and inspire everyone around to do the same.
From her perseverance, 21 years old Julie from a backward village of Jhabra in Jhansi has transformed her existence into a diligent professional of Reliance Fresh Gurgaon and being a strength to her employer and her family too.
"The value of human dignity, equality and equity cannot be understated. Human life is born not merely to survive, but to thrive! Empowering people is the key to their progress and prosperity."
Message from the President
"India lives in villages" were the golden words of Mahatma Gandhi many decades ago. Ironically after almost 50 years the data does not seem to disagree. Today a majority of the Indian population still live in the villages. Though there is substantial migration from rural to urban areas in India, still almost 68% of India continues to live in rural areas.
Today, after almost 7 decades of independence, the villages take a backseat in almost every aspect of socio-economic analysis. We have created an economy of rich cities and poor villages, surging urban areas and decaying rural areas.
A look at the Socio-Economic Census (2011) data regarding rural livelihood and employment is scary. Almost three fourths of the rural households live with a monthly income of less than Rs 5000. More than half the rural households do not own land and more than half of them are casual labor.
Inequality persists in all spheres, including the all-pervasive gender inequality. Despite high rates of economic growth, inequality is particularly apparent among marginalized groups. Women participate in employment and decision making much less, than men. This disparity is not likely to be eliminated soon. India's poor performance on women's empowerment and gender equality is reflected in many indicators, for the past 15 years, AROH has been working towards skill development and empowerment of youth and women, especially from rural backgrounds. In the year 2016-17, in addition to skills and enterprises, the Foundation has been working on an integrated approach for rural development. Selected villages are provided all round help and support to bring improvement to their socio economic and environmental status.
The Foundation strives to eliminate gender inequality through its various focused programs leading to women's empowerment and capacity building. The Foundation has gained rich experience in running women oriented skill development programs, especially for rural women, thereby empowering them for taking up gainful engagement, either through job placement or enterprise.
The pioneering programs designed by AROH Foundation have been much appreciated by the stakeholders for their innovative approach and sustainability. We have received financial support from various prestigious corporates and public sector organizations, which has made our journey possible.
We shall continue to empower our people and strengthen our resources to create a better tomorrow for all those marginalized communities who have been left out from the sphere of development.
Dr Neelam Gupta
Founder President & CEO
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